[smash] n [perh. blend of [3]smack and
[2]mash] (1725) 1 a: a smashing blow or attack b: a hard overhand stroke (as in tennis or badminton)
2. a: the action or sound of smashing; esp: a wreck due to collision: crash b: utter collapse: ruin
3: a striking success: hit
[2]smash vt (1778) 1: to break or crush by violence
2. a: to drive or throw violently esp. with a shattering or battering effect; also: to effect in this way b: to hit violently: batter c (1): to hit (as a tennis ball) with a hard overhand stroke (2): to drive (a ball) with a forceful stroke
3: to destroy utterly: wreck ~ vi 1: to move or become propelled with violence or crashing effect "~ed into a tree"
2: to become wrecked
3: to go to pieces suddenly under collision or pressure -- smash.er n [3]smash adj (1923): being a smash: outstanding "a ~ hit"