Meaning of SQUINT in English

[squint] adj [ME asquint] (1579) 1 of an eye: looking or tending to look obliquely or askance (as with envy or disdain)

2. of the eyes: not having the visual axes parallel: crossed

[2]squint vi (1599) 1 a: to have an indirect bearing, reference, or aim b: to deviate from a true line

2. a: to look in a squint-eyed manner b: to be cross-eyed c: to look or peer with eyes partly closed ~ vt: to cause (an eye) to squint -- squint.er n -- squint.ing.ly adv [3]squint n (ca. 1652) 1: strabismus

2: an instance of squinting

3: hagioscope -- squinty adj

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