[sta.ble] n [ME, fr. OF estable, fr. L stabulum, fr. stare to stand--more at stand] (13c) 1: a building in which domestic animals are sheltered and fed; esp: such a building having stalls or compartments "horse ~"
2. a: the racehorses of one owner b: a group of athletes (as boxers) or performers under one management c: the racing cars of one owner d: group, collection -- sta.ble.man n
[2]stable vb sta.bled ; sta.bling vt (14c): to put or keep in a stable ~ vi: to dwell in or as if in a stable [3]stable adj sta.bler ; sta.blest [ME, fr. MF estable, fr. L stabilis, fr. stare to stand] (13c) 1 a: firmly established: fixed, steadfast b: not changing or fluctuating: unvarying c: permanent, enduring
2. a: steady in purpose: firm in resolution b: not subject to insecurity or emotional illness: sane, rational "a ~ personality" 3 a (1): placed so as to resist forces tending to cause motion or change of motion (2): designed so as to develop forces that restore the original condition when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion b (1): not readily altering in chemical makeup or physical state "~ emulsions" (2): not spontaneously radioactive syn see lasting -- sta.ble.ness n -- sta.bly adv