[stamp] vb [ME; akin to OHG stampfon to stamp and perh. to Gk stembein to shake up] vt (13c) 1: to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument
2. a (1): to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot (2): to bring down (the foot) forcibly b: to extinguish or destroy by or as if by stamping with the foot--usu. used with out "~ out cancer" 3 a: impress, imprint "~ "paid" on the bill" b: to attach a stamp to
4: to cut out, bend, or form with a stamp or die
5. a: to provide with a distinctive character "~ed with a dreary, institutionalized look --Bernard Taper" b: characterize ~ vi 1: pound 1
2: to strike or thrust the foot forcibly or noisily downward
[2]stamp n (15c) 1: a device or instrument for stamping
2: the impression or mark made by stamping or imprinting 3 a: a distinctive character, indication, or mark b: a lasting imprint
4: the act of stamping
5: a stamped or printed paper affixed in evidence that a tax has been paid; also: postage stamp -- stamp.less adj