Meaning of STAMP in English

Synonyms and related words :

John Hancock, OK, Platonic form, Platonic idea, abolish, acceptance, aesthetic form, affirmance, affirmation, amble, animus, annihilate, approbation, approval, aptitude, archetype, aroma, art form, ascender, attribute, authentication, authorization, back, badge, banner, barge, bastard type, beard, bed, belly, bent, bevel, bias, billhead, black letter, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, block, block out, blood, blotch, body, body-build, book stamp, bookplate, boss, bowl along, brand, breed, bring home to, bring out, broad arrow, build, bump, bundle, burin, cachet, cancellation, cap, capital, cartouche, carve, case, cast, casting, categorize, certification, chalk, chalk up, character, characteristic, characteristics, characterize, check, check off, chisel, cicatrize, clan, class, classification, classify, clomp, clop, clump, coat of arms, colophon, color, complexion, composition, concavity, configuration, confirm, confirmation, conformation, constituents, constitution, convexity, counter, counterfoil, countermark, countersignature, crasis, create, crest, cut, dactylogram, dactylograph, dapple, dash, deep-dye, define, delimit, demarcate, denominate, denomination, dent, depress, descender, description, designate, designation, destroy, device, dharma, diathesis, die, differentia, differential, dimple, dint, discolor, disposition, distinctive feature, docket, document, dot, drag, drive, drub, earmark, eccentricity, efform, eliminate, em, embed, emblem, emboss, embossment, en, end, endorsement, engraft, engrave, engrave on, engraving tool, entrench, eradicate, escutcheon, establish, etch, etching ball, etching ground, etching needle, etching point, ethos, excrescence, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, face, fashion, fat-faced type, feather, feature, features, feet, fiber, figuration, figure, fingerprint, fix, flavor, fleck, flounce, font, foot, footmark, footprint, footslog, footstep, forge, form, formalize, format, formation, fossil footprint, found, frame, frank, freckle, gash, genius, genre, genus, get out, get rid of, go-ahead, government mark, government stamp, grade, grain, grave, graver, green light, groove, ground, gust, habit, hallmark, halt, hammer, hatch, hectograph, hew, hippety-hop, hitch, hobble, hop, hue, humor, humors, ichnite, ichnolite, identify, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, ilk, image, impact, implant, impress, impress upon, impression, imprimatur, imprint, inclination, inculcate, indent, indentation, indention, index, indicant, indicator, individualism, infix, ingrain, initial, initials, inner form, inscribe, insignia, instill, intaglio, issue, italic, jam, jog, jolt, jump, keynote, kidney, kill, kin, kind, knead, knock out, label, last, lay out, layout, leaning, letter, letterhead, letterpress, level, lick into shape, ligature, limp, line, lineaments, lodge, log, logo, logotype, lot, lower case, lumber, lump, lunge, lurch, mackle, majuscule, make, make a mark, make it felt, makeup, manner, mannerism, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, masthead, matrix, measure, mental set, mettle, mimeograph, mince, mind, mind-set, mint, minuscule, modality, mode, model, mold, molding, monogram, mottle, mould, multigraph, name, nature, needle, negative, nick, nod, notarization, notch, note, number, odor, offcut, offprint, offset, okay, overprint, pace, pack, pad, paddle, particularity, pattern, paw print, pawmark, peculiarity, peg, pencil, pepper, permission, persuasion, phylum, physique, pi, piaffe, piaffer, pica, picture, pimple, pit, plant, plate, plod, pock, pockmark, point, postage, postage stamp, postmark, pound, prance, predilection, predisposition, preference, press in, price tag, prick, print, proclivity, proof, propensity, property, prototype, prove, publish, pug, pugmark, pull, pull a proof, punch, punch in, punctuate, puncture, put down, put out, put to bed, put to press, quality, quell, quirk, race, rack, ratification, recess, record, register, registered trademark, reissue, representation, representative, repress, reprint, riddle, rocker, roll, roman, root, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, rubber stamp, run, run off, running head, running title, sanction, sans serif, sashay, saunter, savor, scar, scarify, score, scorper, scotch, scratch, script, scuff, scuffle, sculpt, sculpture, scuttle, seal, seam, seat, service mark, set, set back, set in, setoff, settle, shamble, shank, shape, shoe last, shuffle, sidle, sigil, sign, signal, signature, signet, significant form, single-foot, singularity, skip, slant, slink, slither, slog, slouch, smack, small cap, small capital, snuff out, somatotype, sort, specialty, species, speck, speckle, spirit, splotch, spot, squelch, stagger, stain, stalk, stamp of approval, stamp on, stamp out, stem, step, stereotype, sticker, stigmatize, stomp, straddle, straggle, strain, streak, striate, stride, strike, stripe, stroll, structure, strut, stub, stud, stump, style, subdue, subscription, suchness, suppress, sure sign, swagger, swing, symbol, symptom, system, tab, tag, tailor, taint, tally, tamp, tang, taste, tattoo, telltale sign, temper, temperament, template, tendency, tenor, term, terminate, the like of, the likes of, the nod, thermoform, thumbmark, thumbprint, tick, tick off, ticket, title page, tittup, toddle, token, tone, totter, trace, trade name, trademark, trademark name, traipse, trait, traits, tramp, trample, tread, tribe, trick, trip, trudge, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, underline, underscore, upper case, validation, variety, vein, vestige, visa, vise, waddle, wamble, warp, warrant, way, wedge, wiggle, wobble, work

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