Meaning of STATION in English

[sta.tion] n [ME stacioun, fr. MF station, fr. L station-, statio, fr. stare to stand--more at stand] (14c) 1 a: the place or position in which something or someone stands or is assigned to stand or remain b: any of the places in a manufacturing operation at which one part of the work is done c: equipment used usu. by one person for performing a particular job

2: the act or manner of standing: posture

3: a stopping place: as a (1): a regular stopping place in a transportation route (2): the building connected with such a stopping place: depot 3 b: one of the stations of the cross

4. a: a post or sphere of duty or occupation b: a stock farm or ranch esp. of Australia or New Zealand

5: standing, rank "a woman of high ~"

6: a place for specialized observation and study of scientific phenomena "a seismological ~" "a marine biological ~" 7: a place established to provide a public service: as a (1): fire station (2): police station b: a branch post office 8: service station 1

9. a: a complete assemblage of radio or television equipment for transmitting or receiving b: the place in which such a station is located

[2]station vt sta.tioned ; (1748): to assign to or set in a station or position: post

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