Meaning of STRAY in English

[stray] n [ME, fr. OF estraie, pp. of estraier] (13c) 1 a: a domestic animal that is wandering at large or is lost b: a person or thing that strays

2. [ME, fr. straien to stray] archaic: the act of going astray

[2]stray vi [ME straien, fr. MF estraier, fr. (assumed) VL extravagare, fr. L extra- outside + vagari to wander--more at extra-] (14c): wander: as a: to wander from company, restraint, or proper limits b: to roam about without fixed direction or purpose c: to move in a winding course: meander d: to move without conscious or intentional effort "eyes ~ing absently around the room" e: to become distracted from an argument or chain of thought "~ed from the point" f: to wander accidentally from a fixed or chosen route g: err, sin -- n [3]stray adj (1607) 1: having strayed or escaped from a proper or intended place "a ~ cow" "hit by a ~ bullet" "fixed a few ~ hairs"

2: occurring at random or sporadically "a few ~ thoughts"

3: not serving any useful purpose: unwanted "~ light"

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