Meaning of SURVEY in English

[sur.vey] vb sur.veyed ; [ME, fr. MF surveeir to look over, fr. sur- + veeir to see--more at view] vt (15c) 1 a: to examine as to condition, situation, or value: appraise b: to query (someone) in order to collect data for the analysis of some aspect of a group or area

2: to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (as a tract of land) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the principles of geometry and trigonometry

3: to view or consider comprehensively

4: inspect, scrutinize "he ~ed us in a lordly way --Alan Harrington" ~ vi: to make a survey

[2]sur.vey n, pl surveys (1548) 1: the act or an instance of surveying: as a: a broad treatment of a subject b: poll 5a

2: something that is surveyed

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