Meaning of TOW in English

[tow] vb [ME, fr. OE togian; akin to OE teon to draw, pull, OHG ziohan to draw, pull, L ducere to draw, lead] vt (bef. 12c): to draw or pull along behind: haul ~ vi: to move in tow "trailers that ~ behind the family auto --Bob Munger"

[2]tow n (1600) 1: a rope or chain for towing

2. a: the act or an instance of towing b: the fact or state of being towed 3 a: something towed (as a boat or car) b: a group of barges lashed together and usu. pushed

4. a: something (as a tugboat) that tows b: ski tow -- in tow 1: under guidance or protection "taken in tow by a friendly native"

2: in the position of a dependent or devoted follower or admirer [3]tow n [ME, fr. OE tow- spinning; akin to ON to tuft of wool for spinning, OE tawian to prepare for use--more at taw] (14c) 1: short or broken fiber (as of flax, hemp, or synthetic material) that is used esp. for yarn, twine, or stuffing

2. a: yarn or cloth made of tow b: a loose essentially untwisted strand of synthetic fibers [4]tow n [ME (Sc), prob. fr. OE toh- (in tohline towline); akin to OE togian to tow] (15c) chiefly Scot & dial Eng: rope

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