1. v. & n.
1. (of a motor vehicle, horse, or person controlling it) pull (a boat, another motor vehicle, a caravan, etc.) along by a rope, tow-bar, etc.
2 pull (a person or thing) along behind one.
--n. the act or an instance of towing; the state of being towed.
Phrases and idioms:
have in (or on) tow
1. be towing.
2 be accompanied by and often in charge of (a person). tow-bar a bar for towing esp. a trailer or caravan. tow- (or towing-) line (or rope) a line etc. used in towing. tow- (or towing-) net a net used for dragging through water to collect specimens. tow- (or towing-) path a path beside a river or canal used for towing a boat by horse.
towable adj. towage n.
Etymology: OE togian f. Gmc, rel. to TUG 2. n.1 the coarse and broken part of flax or hemp prepared for spinning.
2 a loose bunch of rayon etc. strands.
Phrases and idioms:
tow-coloured (of hair) very light. tow-head tow-coloured or unkempt hair. tow-headed having very light or unkempt hair.
towy adj.
Etymology: ME f. MLG touw f. OS tou, rel. to ON t{oacute} wool: cf. TOOL