[twist] vb [ME, fr. OE -twist rope; akin to MD twist quarrel, twine, OE twa two] vt (15c) 1 a: to unite by winding "~ing strands together" b: to make by twisting strands together "~ thread from yarn" c: to mingle by interlacing
2: twine, coil 3 a: to wring or wrench so as to dislocate or distort; esp: sprain "~ed my ankle" b: to alter the meaning of: distort, pervert "~ed the facts" c: contort "~ed his face into a grin" d: to pull off, turn, or break by torsion e: to cause to move with a turning motion f: to form into a spiral shape g: to cause to take on moral, mental, or emotional deformity h: to make (one's way) in a winding or devious manner to a destination or objective ~ vi 1: to follow a winding course: snake
2. a: to turn or change shape under torsion b: to assume a spiral shape c: squirm, writhe d: to dance the twist 3 of a ball: to rotate while taking a curving path or direction
4: turn 3a "~ed around to see behind him" -- twist one's arm : to bring strong pressure to bear on one
[2]twist n (1555) 1: something formed by twisting or winding: as a: a thread, yarn, or cord formed by twisting two or more strands together b: a strong tightly twisted sewing silk c: a baked piece of twisted dough d: tobacco leaves twisted into a thick roll e: a strip of citrus peel used to flavor a drink
2. a: an act of twisting: the state of being twisted b: a dance performed with strenuous gyrations esp. of the hips c: the spin given the ball in any of various games d: a spiral turn or curve e (1): torque or torsional stress applied to a body (as a rod or shaft) (2): torsional strain (3): the angle through which a thing is twisted 3 a: a turning off a straight course b: eccentricity, idiosyncrasy c: a distortion of meaning or sense
4. a: an unexpected turn or development "weird ~s of fate --W. L. Shirer" b: a clever device: trick "questions demanding special ~s of thinking --New Yorker" c: a variant approach or method: gimmick "a kind of ~ on the old triangle theme --Dave Fedo"
5: a front or back dive in which the diver twists sideways a half or full turn before entering the water -- twisty adj