[wag.on] n [D wagen, fr. MD--more at wain] (15c) 1 a: a usu. four-wheel vehicle for transporting bulky commodities and drawn orig. by animals b: a lighter typically horse-drawn vehicle for transporting goods or passengers c: paddy wagon
2. Brit: a railway freight car
3: a low four-wheel vehicle with an open rectangular body and a retroflex tongue made for the play or use (as for carrying newspapers) of a child
4: a small wheeled table used for the service of a dining room
5: a delivery truck "milk ~"
6: station wagon -- off the wagon : no longer abstaining from alcoholic beverages -- on the wagon : abstaining from alcoholic beverages
[2]wagon vi (1606): to travel or transport goods by wagon ~ vt: to transport (goods) by wagon