Meaning of WAIVE in English

[waive] vt waived ; waiv.ing [ME weiven, fr. ONF weyver, fr. waif lost, unclaimed--more at waif] (14c) 1 archaic: give up, forsake

2: to throw away (stolen goods) 3 archaic: to shunt aside (as a danger or duty): evade

4. a: to relinquish voluntarily (as a legal right) "~ a jury trial" b: to refrain from pressing or enforcing (as a claim or rule): forgo

5: to put off from immediate consideration: postpone

6: to dismiss with or as if with a wave of the hand "waived the problem aside" 7: to place (a ball player) on waivers; also: to release after placing on waivers syn see relinquish

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