[yel.low] adj [ME yelwe, yelow, fr. OE geolu; akin to OHG gelo yellow, L helvus light bay, Gk chloros greenish yellow, Skt hari yellowish] (bef. 12c) 1 a: of the color yellow b: become yellowish through age, disease, or discoloration: sallow c: having a yellow or light brown complexion or skin
2. a: featuring sensational or scandalous items or ordinary news sensationally distorted "~ journalism" b: mean, cowardly -- yel.low.ish adj
[2]yellow n (bef. 12c) 1: something yellow or marked by a yellow color: as a: a person having yellow or light brown skin b: the yolk of an egg
2. a: a color whose hue resembles that of ripe lemons or sunflowers or is that of the portion of the spectrum lying between green and orange b: a pigment or dye that colors yellow 3 pl: jaundice
4. pl but sing in constr: any of several plant diseases caused esp. by mycoplasma-like organisms and marked by yellowing of the foliage and stunting [3]yellow vt (1598): to make yellow: give a yellow tinge or color to "~ed by time" ~ vi: to become or turn yellow