Meaning of ZIP in English

[zip] vb zipped ; [imit. of the sound of a speeding object] vi (1852) 1: to move, act, or function with speed and vigor

2: to travel with a sharp hissing or humming sound ~ vt 1: to impart speed or force to

2: to add zest, interest, or life to--often used with up

3: to transport or propel with speed

[2]zip n (1875) 1: a sudden sharp hissing or sibilant sound

2: energy, vim -- zip.less adj [3]zip n [origin unknown] (ca. 1900): nothing, zero "the final score was 27 to ~" [4]zip n (1920) chiefly Brit: zipper [5]zip vb zipped ; [back-formation fr. zipper] vt (1932) 1 a: to close or open with or as if with a zipper b: to enclose or wrap by fastening a zipper

2: to cause (a zipper) to open or shut ~ vi: to become open, closed, or attached by means of a zipper [6]zip n, often cap Z&I&P (1965): zip code

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