transcription, транскрипция: [ ik-ˈse-sə-bəl, ak-, ek- ]
Date: 15th century
1. : providing access
a. : capable of being reached
accessible by rail
also : being within reach
fashions at accessible prices
b. : easy to communicate or deal with
accessible people
3. : capable of being influenced : open
accessible to new ideas
4. : capable of being used or seen : available
the collection is not currently accessible
5. : capable of being understood or appreciated
the author's most accessible stories
an accessible film
• ac·ces·si·bil·i·ty -ˌse-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun
• ac·ces·si·ble·ness -ˈse-sə-bəl-nəs noun
• ac·ces·si·bly -blē adverb