transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkän-f(ə-)rən(t)s, -fərn(t)s, for 2 usu ]
kən-ˈfər-ən(t)s noun
Date: 1527
a. : a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern
b. : a usually formal interchange of views : consultation
c. : a meeting of members of the two branches of a legislature to adjust differences
d. : caucus
2. also con·fer·rence kən-ˈfər-ən(t)s : bestowal , conferment
a. : a representative assembly or administrative organization of a religious denomination
b. : a territorial division of a religious denomination
4. : an association of athletic teams
• con·fer·en·tial ˌkän-fə-ˈren(t)-shəl adjective