transcription, транскрипция: [ ˌkän-jə-ˈgā-shən ]
Date: 15th century
a. : a schematic arrangement of the inflectional forms of a verb
b. : verb inflection
c. : a class of verbs having the same type of inflectional forms
the weak conjugation
d. : a set of the simple or derivative inflectional forms of a verb especially in Sanskrit or the Semitic languages
the causative conjugation
2. : the act of conjugating : the state of being conjugated
a. : fusion of usually similar gametes with ultimate union of their nuclei and sexual reproduction that occurs in most fungi and in some algae (as green algae)
b. : temporary cytoplasmic union with exchange of nuclear material that is the usual sexual process in ciliated protozoans
c. : the one-way transfer of DNA between bacteria in cellular contact
• con·ju·ga·tion·al -shnəl, -shə-n ə l adjective
• con·ju·ga·tion·al·ly adverb