transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈdā-zē ]
( plural daisies )
Etymology: Middle English dayeseye, from Old English dægesēage, from dæg day + ēage eye
Date: before 12th century
1. : a composite plant (as of the genera Bellis or Chrysanthemum ) having a flower head with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in one or a few whorls: as
a. : a low European herb ( Bellis perennis ) with white or pink ray flowers — called also English daisy
b. : a leafy-stemmed perennial herb ( Chrysanthemum leucanthemum ) with long white ray flowers and a yellow disk that was introduced into the United States from Europe — called also oxeye daisy
2. : the flower head of a daisy
3. : a first-rate person or thing
4. capitalized : a member of a program of the Girl Scouts for girls in kindergarten and first grade