transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈden(t)s ]
( dens·er ; dens·est )
Etymology: Latin densus; akin to Greek dasys thick with hair or leaves
Date: 15th century
a. : marked by compactness or crowding together of parts
dense vegetation
dense traffic
b. : having a high mass per unit volume
carbon dioxide is a dense gas
a. : slow to understand : stupid , thickheaded
was too dense to get the joke
b. : extreme
dense ignorance
3. : having between any two elements at least one element
the set of rational numbers is dense
4. : demanding concentration to follow or comprehend
dense prose
5. : having high or relatively high opacity
a dense fog
a dense photographic negative
Synonyms: see stupid
• dense·ly adverb
• dense·ness ˈden(t)-snəs noun