ˈden(t)s adjective
( -er/-est )
Etymology: Latin densus; akin to Greek dasys thick with hair or leaves, Hittite dassuš strong
a. : marked by an arrangement of parts or units so crowded or massed together as to defy penetration : notably lacking empty spaces or unfilled intervals
the backs of the pinafores were dense with buttons — Natacha Stewart
if I went into dense jungle, by the time I was out of sight I was also lost — Agnes N. Keith
b. : crowded very close together : massed together with little or no intervening space and consequently obstructing easy penetration through : concentrated in large numbers in a limited space
every balcony, every housetop was crammed with a dense mass of spectators — J.G.Frazer
dense hardwood hammocks alternate with vast swamps — American Guide Series: Florida
the dense print of the directory — Jean Stafford
2. biology : compact
a dense flower spike
a. : insensible or dull
human error's dense and purblind faith — P.B.Shelley
b. : mentally dull : slow-witted , thick-headed
c. : extreme , intense
dense stupidity
a. : marked by solidly interwoven texture, by texture permitting thick matting, by deep dark color, by opaqueness or other obstruction to passage of light, or by massive concentration
a dense fabric
lost in a dense fog
the heart is a dense organ for X-ray purposes
her pallor made her dark hair seem denser — Edith Wharton
b. : marked by presentation without lighter or less significant passages and demanding concentration to follow or comprehend
her prose … so dense … that it is all but impenetrable — New Yorker
5. mathematics : having between any two elements at least one element and hence an infinity of elements
a set or proper fractions arranged in order of size is dense
6. : possessing relatively great retarding power upon light waves and consequently relatively great refractive power — used especially of optical glass
7. : having high or relatively high density — used of a photographic negative or a positive transparency
Synonyms: see close , stupid