transcription, транскрипция: [ -lənt ]
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French, from Late Latin aequivalent-, aequivalens, present participle of aequivalēre to have equal power, from Latin aequi- + valēre to be strong — more at wield
Date: 15th century
1. : equal in force, amount, or value ; also : equal in area or volume but not superposable
a square equivalent to a triangle
a. : like in signification or import
b. : having logical equivalence
equivalent statements
3. : corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function
4. obsolete : equal in might or authority
5. : having the same chemical combining capacity
equivalent quantities of two elements
a. : having the same solution set
equivalent equations
b. : capable of being placed in one-to-one correspondence
equivalent sets
c. : related by an equivalence relation
Synonyms: see same
• equivalent noun
• equiv·a·lent·ly adverb