I. iks-ˈklü-siv, -ziv adjective
Date: 1515
a. : excluding or having power to exclude
b. : limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group
a. : excluding others from participation
b. : snobbishly aloof
a. : accepting or soliciting only a socially restricted patronage (as of the upper class)
b. : stylish , fashionable
c. : restricted in distribution, use, or appeal because of expense
a. : single , sole
exclusive jurisdiction
b. : whole , undivided
his exclusive attention
• ex·clu·sive·ly adverb
• ex·clu·sive·ness noun
II. noun
Date: 15th century
: something exclusive: as
a. : a news story at first released to or reported by only one source
b. : an exclusive right (as to sell a particular product in a certain area)