adj. & n.
1. excluding other things.
2 (predic.; foll. by of) not including; except for.
3 tending to exclude others, esp. socially; select.
4 catering for few or select customers; high-class.
5 a (of a commodity) not obtainable elsewhere. b (of a newspaper article) not published elsewhere.
6 (predic.; foll. by to) restricted or limited to; existing or available only in.
7 (of terms etc.) excluding all but what is specified.
8 employed or followed or held to the exclusion of all else (my exclusive occupation; exclusive rights).
--n. an article or story published by only one newspaper or periodical.
Phrases and idioms:
Exclusive Brethren a more exclusive section of the Plymouth Brethren.
exclusively adv. exclusiveness n. exclusivity n.
Etymology: med.L exclusivus (as EXCLUDE)