I. ˈha-kəl noun
Etymology: Middle English hakell; akin to Old High German hāko hook — more at hook
Date: 15th century
a. : one of the long narrow feathers on the neck or saddle of a bird
b. : the neck plumage of the domestic fowl
2. : a comb or board with long metal teeth for dressing flax, hemp, or jute
3. plural
a. : erectile hairs along the neck and back especially of a dog
b. : temper , dander
the issue raised some hackle s
a. : an artificial fishing fly made chiefly of the filaments of a cock's neck feathers
b. : filaments of cock feather projecting from the head of an artificial fly
II. transitive verb
( hack·led ; hack·ling ˈha-k(ə-)liŋ)
Date: 1616
: to comb out with a hackle
• hack·ler -k(ə-)lər noun