I. ˈȯr-bət noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin orbita, from Latin, rut, track, probably from orbis
Date: 15th century
: the bony socket of the eye
• or·bit·al ˈȯr-bə-t ə l adjective
II. noun
Etymology: Latin orbita path, rut, orbit
Date: 1696
a. : a path described by one body in its revolution about another (as by the earth about the sun or by an electron about an atomic nucleus) ; also : one complete revolution of a body describing such a path
b. : a circular path
2. : a range or sphere of activity or influence
within the president's orbit
Synonyms: see range
• orbital adjective
III. verb
Date: 1943
transitive verb
1. : to revolve in an orbit around : circle
2. : to send up and make revolve in an orbit
orbit a satellite
intransitive verb
: to travel in circles