I. ˈȯrbə̇t, ˈȯ(ə)b-, usu -ə̇d.+V noun
( -s )
Etymology: Latin orbita track, rut, orbit
[Medieval Latin orbita, from Latin]
a. : the bony cavity perforated for the passage of nerves and blood vessels that occupies the lateral front of the skull immediately beneath the frontal bone on each side and encloses and protects the eye and its appendages — called also eye socket
b. : the skin around the eye of a bird
a. : a path described by a celestial body, an artificial satellite, or a spacecraft in its revolution around another body
the orbit of the earth around the sun
the orbit of a spacecraft around the moon
also : one complete revolution of an orbiting body
a spacecraft making two orbits of the moon
b. : the course of an orbiting airplane
(1) : the usually curved path of a body in a field of force (as the path of an electron in the presence of a nucleus, or of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields, or of the earth in the sun's gravitational field)
(2) : a state of a particle as determined by its energy, angular momentum, and other factors as it moves in a force field — used especially of an electron in the presence of a nucleus
3. : range or sphere of activity, experience, influence, or interest
Roman political power swept the Mediterranean world into its orbit — Benjamin Farrington
within the orbit of my curiosity — Alec Waugh
4. : ball , orb
Synonyms: see range
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
transitive verb
1. : to revolve in an orbit around
a satellite orbiting the earth
2. : to send up an make revolve in an orbit
orbit a satellite
intransitive verb
: to travel in circles : circle
a plane orbiting over a landing field