transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpō-nē ]
( plural ponies )
Etymology: probably from obsolete French poulenet, diminutive of French poulain colt, from Old French pulain, perhaps from Medieval Latin pullamen young animal, from Latin pullus — more at foal
Date: 1659
a. : a small horse ; especially : one of any of several breeds of very small stocky animals noted for their gentleness and endurance
b. : a bronco, mustang, or similar horse of the western United States
c. : racehorse — usually used in plural
2. : something smaller than standard: as
a. : a small beer glass
b. : a small liqueur glass typically holding one ounce
3. : a literal translation of a foreign language text ; especially : one used surreptitiously by students in preparing or reciting lessons