Meaning of PRIOR in English

I. ˈprī(-ə)r noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo-French; both from Medieval Latin, from Late Latin, administrator, from Latin, former, superior

Date: before 12th century

1. : the superior ranking next to the abbot of a monastery

2. : the superior of a house or group of houses of any of various religious communities

• pri·or·ate ˈprī-ə-rət noun

• pri·or·ship ˈprī(-ə)r-ˌship noun

II. adjective

Etymology: Latin, former, superior; akin to Latin priscus ancient, prae before — more at for

Date: 1709

1. : earlier in time or order : previous

by prior agreement

2. : taking precedence (as in importance)

Synonyms: see preceding

• pri·or·ly adverb

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