I. prə-ˈvi-zhən noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin provision-, provisio act of providing, from Latin, foresight, from providēre to see ahead — more at provide
Date: 14th century
a. : the act or process of providing
b. : the fact or state of being prepared beforehand
c. : a measure taken beforehand to deal with a need or contingency : preparation
made provision for replacements
2. : a stock of needed materials or supplies ; especially : a stock of food — usually used in plural
3. : proviso , stipulation
II. transitive verb
( pro·vi·sioned ; pro·vi·sion·ing -ˈvi-zhə-niŋ, -ˈvizh-niŋ)
Date: 1809
: to supply with provisions