I. ˈstiŋk intransitive verb
( stank ˈstaŋk ; or stunk ˈstəŋk ; stunk ; stink·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stincan; akin to Old High German stinkan to emit a smell
Date: before 12th century
1. : to emit a strong offensive odor
stank of urine
2. : to be offensive
the election stank of corruption
also : to be in bad repute
3. : to possess something to an offensive degree
stink ing with wealth
4. : to be extremely bad or unpleasant
the performance stank
that news really stink s
• stinky ˈstiŋ-kē adjective
II. noun
Date: 13th century
1. : a strong offensive odor : stench
2. : a public outcry against something : fuss
made a big stink when asked to leave