transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈtȯl ]
Etymology: Middle English tal, probably from Old English getæl quick, ready; akin to Old High German gizal quick
Date: 15th century
1. obsolete : brave , courageous
a. : high in stature
b. : of a specified height
five feet tall
a. : of considerable height
tall trees
b. : long from bottom to top
a tall book
c. : of a higher growing variety or species of plant
a. : large or formidable in amount, extent, or degree
a tall order to fill
b. : pompous , high-flown
tall talk about the vast mysteries of life — W. A. White
c. : highly exaggerated : incredible , improbable
a tall story
Synonyms: see high
• tall adverb
• tall·ish ˈtȯ-lish adjective
• tall·ness ˈtȯl-nəs noun