I. ˈtrend intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, to turn, revolve, from Old English trendan; akin to Middle High German trendel disk, spinning top
Date: 1598
a. : to extend in a general direction : follow a general course
mountain ranges trend ing north and south
b. : to veer in a new direction : bend
a coastline that trend s westward
a. : to show a tendency : incline
prices trend ing upward
b. : to become deflected : shift
opinions trend ing toward conservatism
II. noun
Date: circa 1777
1. : a line of general direction or movement
the trend of the coast turned toward the west
a. : a prevailing tendency or inclination : drift
current trend s in education
b. : a general movement : swing
the trend toward suburban living
c. : a current style or preference : vogue
new fashion trend s
d. : a line of development : approach
3. : the general movement over time of a statistically detectable change ; also : a statistical curve reflecting such a change
Synonyms: see tendency