Synonyms and related words :
accelerando, acceleration, adverse circumstances, adversity, affliction, agitation, animation, annoyance, annoyingness, arousal, arousing, bad news, bedevilment, beefing-up, blight, blowing up, blowup, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, bummer, care, concentration, condensation, consolidation, crashing bore, cross, curse, deepening, devilment, difficulties, difficulty, disapprobation, disapproval, discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction, dogging, downer, drag, electrification, enhancement, exacerbation, exaggeration, exasperation, excitation, excitement, exhilaration, explosion, fomentation, galvanization, harassment, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardship, harrying, headache, heating-up, heightening, hounding, incitement, inflammation, information explosion, infuriation, intensification, irksomeness, irritation, lathering up, magnification, molestation, nuisance, persecution, perturbation, peskiness, pest, pestiferousness, pickup, plaguesomeness, plight, population explosion, pother, predicament, pressure, problem, provocation, provokingness, redoubling, reinforcement, resentfulness, resentment, rigor, sea of troubles, speedup, steaming up, step-up, stimulation, stimulus, stirring, stirring up, strengthening, stress, stress of life, tightening, tiresomeness, trial, tribulation, trouble, troubles, troublesomeness, vale of tears, vexation, vexatiousness, vicissitude, wearisomeness, whipping up, working up, worriment, worrisomeness, worry,