Meaning of AGGREGATE in English

Synonyms and related words :

A to Z, A to izzard, account, accumulate, accumulated, accumulation, acervation, add up, add up to, agglomerate, agglomeration, aggregate to, aggregation, aggroup, all, all and sundry, all-embracing, all-inclusive, alpha and omega, amass, amassed, amassment, amount, amount to, assemblage, assemble, assembled, batch, be-all, be-all and end-all, beginning and end, box score, bring together, budget, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, bunched, bundled, cast, chunk, clump, clumped, cluster, clustered, collect, collected, colligate, collocate, combine, combined, come, come to, compare, compile, complement, comprehensive, comprise, congeries, conglobation, conglomerate, conglomeration, congregate, congregated, contain, corral, count, cumulate, cumulation, difference, dig up, draw together, dredge up, drive together, each and every, entire, entirety, everything, exhaustive, fascicled, fasciculated, gather, gather in, gather together, gathered, gathering, get in, get together, glomerate, glomeration, gob, gross, group, heaped, holistic, hunk, in session, inclusive, integral, integrated, join, joined, joint, juxtapose, knotted, leagued, length and breadth, lump, lump together, lumped, make up, mass, massed, match, meeting, mobilize, mount up to, muster, number, omnibus, one, one and all, one and indivisible, package, package deal, packaged, pair, partner, piled, product, put together, quantity, quantum, raise, rake up, rally, reckon up to, reckoning, round up, run into, run to, score, scrape together, set, snowball, stacked, stockpile, sum, sum total, summation, take up, tale, tally, the bottom line, the corpus, the ensemble, the entirety, the lot, the story, the whole, the whole range, the whole story, tot up to, total, totality, tote, tote up to, unitize, universal, wad, whip in, whole, wrapped up, x number

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