Synonyms and related words :
address to, adumbrate, advert to, allegorize, assume, be taken as, blurt, blurt out, bring to attention, bring to mind, bring to notice, call attention to, cite, comment, connote, denominate, denote, designate, direct attention to, direct to, drop a hint, emblematize, entail, exclaim, figure, finger, focus on, give a hint, give the cue, glance at, hint, hint at, implicate, imply, import, indicate, infer, insinuate, interject, intimate, involve, let drop, let fall, make reference to, mean, mean to say, mention, muse, name, note, observe, opine, pick out, point at, point indirectly to, point out, point to, presume, presuppose, prompt, refer to, reflect, remark, select, speak, specify, stand for, stigmatize, suggest, suppose, symbol, symbolize, take for granted, touch on, typify