Synonyms and related words :
allure, amuse, bamboozle, beat, becharm, beguile of, betray, bewitch, bilk, bluff, bunco, burn, cajole, call away, captivate, carry away, cast a spell, charm, cheat, cheat on, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, circumvent, cog, cog the dice, con, conjure, convulse, cozen, crib, cross, deceive, defraud, delight, delude, deprive of, detract, detract attention, diddle, distract, divert, divert the mind, do in, do out of, double-cross, dupe, enchant, engage, engross, enliven, enrapture, enravish, entertain, enthrall, entice, entrance, euchre, exhilarate, exploit, fascinate, finagle, finesse, flam, fleece, fleet, flimflam, fob, fool, forestall, four-flush, fracture one, fudge, gammon, get around, gouge, gull, gyp, have, hoax, hocus, hocus-pocus, hoodwink, hornswaggle, humbug, hypnotize, infatuate, intrigue, jockey, juggle, kill, knock dead, let down, loosen up, lure, maneuver, mesmerize, mislead, mock, mulct, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, pack the deal, pigeon, play, play one false, practice fraud upon, put something over, raise a laugh, raise a smile, recreate, refresh, regale, relax, rook, scam, screw, seduce, sell, sell gold bricks, sell out, shave, shortchange, slay, snow, solace, spell, spellbind, split, stack the cards, stick, sting, string along, swindle, take a dive, take in, thimblerig, throw a fight, tickle, titillate, transport, trick, two-time, vamp, victimize, wile, witch, wow,