Synonyms and related words :
Eames chair, Hitchcock chair, TV chair, administer, administrate, anoint, armchair, armless chair, authority, ax, back seat, banquette, bar stool, barber chair, barrel chair, basket chair, batwing chair, be master, bed chair, beheading, bench, bicycle seat, block, boudoir chair, bow-back chair, bucket seat, burning, camp chair, campaign chair, capital punishment, captain, chair of English, chairman, club chair, club lounge chair, comb-back chair, command, contour chair, convener, cricket, cricket chair, cross, crown, crucifixion, curule chair, dais, death chair, death chamber, decapitation, decollation, defenestration, dining chair, direct, directorship, discipline, draft chair, drop, easy chair, elbowchair, electric chair, electrocution, enthrone, execution, fan-back chair, fauteuil, fellowship, fender stool, folding chair, foldstool, form, fusillade, gallows, gallows-tree, garden chair, garrote, gas chamber, gassing, gibbet, govern, guillotine, halter, hanging, hassock, head, helm, hemlock, hemp, hempen collar, high chair, horse, hot seat, inaugurate, induct, install, instate, invest, judicial murder, ladder-back chair, lapidation, lead, leader, lethal chamber, maiden, manage, milking stool, moderate, moderator, necktie party, noose, occupy the chair, officer, officiate, ottoman, oversee, overstuffed chair, pew, place, place in office, platform rocker, poisoning, position, preceptorship, preside, preside over, presiding officer, professorate, professorhood, professoriate, professorship, put in, readership, regulate, rocker, rocking chair, rope, run, saddle, scaffold, schoolmastery, seat, seat of power, seat of state, sedan chair, settle, shooting, speaker, stake, stand over, step stool, stoning, stool, strangling, strangulation, supervise, swing, taboret, teachership, the ax, the block, the chair, the gallows, the gas chamber, the guillotine, the hot seat, the rope, throne, tree, tutelage, tutorage, tutorship, wield authority, woolsack,