Meaning of COMMISSION in English

Synonyms and related words :

accomplishment, accredit, achievement, administration, allotment, allowance, appoint, assemblee, assembly, assign, assignation, assignment, at home, authorize, avails, ball, bicameral legislature, bid, big end, bigger half, bit, bite, board of aldermen, box office, brawl, budget, busywork, call on, call the signals, call upon, caucus, chamber of deputies, chare, charge, charter, chore, chunk, city board, city council, cobble, colloquium, command, commission, commissions, commit, committee, common council, completion, conclave, concourse, condition, conduct, congregation, congress, consign, contingent, conventicle, convention, convocation, council, court, credit, credits, cut, dance, darn, date, deal, declare, decree, delegate, delegation, deputation, depute, deputize, designate, designate an agent, destiny, detach, detail, devolute, devolve, devolve upon, dictate, diet, direct, direction, discharge, dispatch, disposable income, dividend, dividends, do up, doctor, dole, duty, earned income, earnings, effectuation, eisteddfod, empower, enable, enactment, end, enjoin, entrust, equal share, errand, execution, exercise, fate, federal assembly, festivity, fete, fish to fry, fix, fix up, forgathering, forum, gains, gate, gate receipts, gathering, general assembly, get, get-together, give an order, give in charge, give the word, gross, gross income, gross receipts, half, halver, handling, helping, homework, house of assembly, housewarming, implementation, income, injunction, instruct, instruction, intake, interest, issue a command, issue a writ, job, job of work, labor, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber, legislature, levee, license, lot, lower chamber, lower house, make, make-work, management, mandate, matters in hand, measure, meed, meet, meeting, mend, mess, mission, modicum, moiety, name, national assembly, net, net income, net receipts, nominate, odd job, ordain, order, order about, output, overhaul, panel, parliament, part, party, patch, patch up, percentage, performance, perpetration, piece, piece of work, plenum, portion, post, precept, prescript, prescription, proceeds, proclaim, produce, profits, project, prom, promulgate, pronounce, proportion, provincial legislature, provincial parliament, put in commission, put in order, put in repair, put in shape, quantum, quorum, quota, rake-off, rally, ration, ready, recap, receipt, receipts, receivables, reception, recondition, rendezvous, repair, representative town meeting, retread, returns, revenue, royalties, royalty, rule, say the word, seance, segment, send out, service, session, set to rights, sew up, share, shindig, sit-in, sitting, slice, small share, soiree, soviet, stake, state assembly, state legislature, stint, stock, subcommittee, symposium, synod, take, take-in, takings, task, teaching, things to do, tinker, tinker up, town meeting, transaction, transfer, turnout, unearned income, unicameral legislature, upper chamber, upper house, warrant, work, yield

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