Synonyms and related words :
Christlike, Christly, DD, Doctor of Divinity, Elysian, Holy Joe, Mariological, abbe, ace, admirable, angelic, answer, anticipate, apprehend, assume, augur, awesome, awful, be afraid, beaming, beatific, beautiful, believe, betoken, blissful, blooming, bottom, bright, brilliant, canonic, canonist, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, celestial, chaplain, chthonian, churchman, clear up, clergyman, cleric, clerical, clerk, conceive, conclude, conjecture, consecrated, consider, cool, crack, curate, cure, dandy, daresay, dazzling, debug, decipher, decode, deduce, deem, deific, determine, devastating, discover, disentangle, divinity student, do, doctrinal, doctrinary, dope, dope out, dowse for water, dream, dreamy, ecclesiastic, empyreal, empyrean, exalted, excellent, expect, explain, exquisite, extramundane, extraordinary, fancy, fantastic, fathom, feel, figure out, find out, find the answer, find the solution, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foretell, foretoken, fortune-tell, gather, get, get right, gifted, gilt-edged, glamorous, glorious, glowing, godlike, godly, golden, gorgeous, grant, great, groovy, guess, guess right, hallowed, hariolate, have it, heavenly, hint, hit it, holy, holy man, hypothesize, imagine, immense, incarnate, incarnated, indicate, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible, infer, intercessional, intercessive, interpret, intuit, inviolable, inviolate, keen, killing, let, let be, made flesh, magic, magnificent, make a prediction, make a prognosis, make a prophecy, make out, man of God, marvelous, mean, mediative, mediatory, military chaplain, minister, neat, nifty, numinous, open the lock, opine, padre, paradisiac, paradisial, paradisian, paradisic, parson, pastor, perceive, perfect, physicotheological, plumb, point to, preacher, predict, prefigure, preindicate, prelate, presage, presign, presignal, presignify, presume, presuppose, presurmise, pretypify, prevision, priest, prognosticate, prophesy, propitiative, propitiatory, provisionally accept, psych, psych out, puzzle out, radiant, ravel, ravel out, raving, ravishing, read palms, read tea leaves, read the future, reckon, rector, redemptive, religious, repute, resolve, resplendent, reverend, riddle, sacred, sacrosanct, saintly, salvational, sanctified, say, scholastic, schoolman, sensational, seraphic, servant of God, shepherd, shining, signify, sky pilot, smashing, solve, soothsay, sort out, sparkling, speculate, spell, spiritual, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, splendrous, sterling, stunning, sublime, super, superb, supereminent, superexcellent, superfine, superhuman, superior, superlative, supernatural, superphysical, supply clergy, supply minister, suppose, supreme, surmise, suspect, swell, take, take for, take for granted, take it, take to be, tell fortunes, tell the future, terrific, the Reverend, the very Reverend, theologian, theological, theologician, theologist, theologizer, theologue, theorize, think, token, tonsured cleric, transcendent, transmundane, tremendous, typify, understand, undo, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, unspeakable, untangle, untouchable, untwist, unutterable, unweave, vaticinate, venerable, visualize, wonderful, work, work out