adj., v., & n.
--adj. (diviner, divinest)
1. a of, from, or like God or a god. b devoted to God; sacred (divine service).
2 a more than humanly excellent, gifted, or beautiful. b colloq. excellent; delightful.
1. tr. discover by guessing, intuition, inspiration, or magic.
2 tr. foresee, predict, conjecture.
3 intr. practise divination.
1. a cleric, usu. an expert in theology.
2 (the Divine) providence or God.
Phrases and idioms:
divine office see OFFICE. divine right of kings the doctrine that kings derive their sovereignty and authority from God, not from their subjects. divining-rod dowsing-rod (see DOWSE(1)).
divinely adv. divineness n. diviner n. divinize (also -ise).
Etymology: ME f. OF devin -ine f. L divinus f. divus godlike