Meaning of DUENNA in English

Synonyms and related words :

abigail, amah, au pair girl, ayah, betweenmaid, biddy, bodyguard, cavalier, chambermaid, chaperon, companion, conductor, convoy, cook, dame, educatress, escort, esquire, fellow traveler, femme de chambre, fille de chambre, gentlewoman, girl, governess, guard, handmaid, handmaiden, hired girl, housemaid, instructress, kitchenmaid, lady-help, lady-in-waiting, live-in maid, live-out maid, maid, maidservant, mistress, nursemaid, parlormaid, safe-conduct, schooldame, schoolmarm, schoolmistress, scullery maid, servant girl, servitress, shepherd, soubrette, squire, swain, tutoress, tweeny, upstairs maid, usher, waiting maid, wench

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