Synonyms and related words :
add a codicil, affect, allegorize, allude to, argue, assume, be indicative of, be significant of, be symptomatic of, bequeath, bequeathal, bequest, bespeak, betoken, birthright, borough-English, bring, bring to mind, call for, cause, characterize, coheirship, comprise, connote, contain, coparcenary, demand, denominate, denote, devise, differentiate, disclose, display, execute a will, express, gavelkind, give evidence, give rise to, give token, hand down, hand on, heirloom, heirship, hereditament, heritable, heritage, heritance, highlight, hint, identify, implicate, imply, import, impose, incorporeal hereditament, indicate, infer, inheritance, insinuate, intimate, involve, law of succession, lead to, leave, legacy, line of succession, make a bequest, make a will, manifest, mark, mean, mean to say, mode of succession, necessitate, note, occasion, pass on, patrimony, point indirectly to, postremogeniture, presume, presuppose, primogeniture, require, reveal, reversion, show, signify, stand for, subsume, succession, suggest, suppose, symptomatize, symptomize, take, take for granted, take in, testify, transmit, ultimogeniture, will, will and bequeath, will to