Meaning of HAMMER in English

Synonyms and related words :

Eustachian tube, air hammer, anvil, assault, attack, auditory apparatus, auditory canal, auditory meatus, auditory nerve, auditory ossicles, auditory tube, auricle, ball peen hammer, bang, barbarize, basilar membrane, baste, batter, beat, beetle, belabor, bony labyrinth, brutalize, buffet, burn, butcher, carry on, cauliflower ear, chipping hammer, claw hammer, cochlea, conch, concha, destroy, dig, din, ding, drive, drop hammer, drub, drudge, drum, drumhead, ear, ear lobe, eardrum, elaborate, electric hammer, endolymph, external ear, fag, fashion, flail, flap, form, go on, grave, grind, grub, hammer away, incus, inner ear, jackhammer, knock, lambaste, larrup, lay waste, lobe, lobule, loot, lug, mallet, malleus, mastoid process, maul, middle ear, moil, mug, organ of Corti, outer ear, oval window, paste, patter, peg, peg away, pelt, perilymph, pile hammer, pillage, pinna, plod, plug, plug along, plug away, pommel, pound, pound away, pulverize, pummel, rage, raising hammer, ramp, rampage, rant, rap, rape, rave, riot, riveting hammer, roar, round window, rubber mallet, ruin, sack, savage, secondary eardrum, semicircular canals, shape, shell, slaughter, sledge, sledgehammer, slog, sow chaos, spank, stamp, stapes, steam hammer, stirrup, stone hammer, storm, stutter, tack hammer, tear, tear around, terrorize, thrash, thresh, thump, toil, travail, triphammer, tympanic cavity, tympanic membrane, tympanum, vandalize, vestibule, violate, wade through, wallop, whip, work away, wreck

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