Synonyms and related words :
Rasputin, Svengali, VIP, access, acme, act on, act upon, actuation, advance, affect, alter, amperage, animation, armipotence, ascendancy, authority, authorization, bad influence, be-all and end-all, beef, behind-the-scenes influence, bend, bias, big wheel, black power, blue ribbon, bring, brute force, carry, championship, change, charge, charisma, clout, cogence, cogency, color, command, compulsion, concentrate on, conduce to, connections, consequence, contribute to, control, court, credit, decide, determine, devices, dint, direction, directorship, dispose, distort, dominance, domination, dominion, drag, drive, duress, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, eminence, eminence grise, energy, engage, enlist, expedients, favor, favoritism, first place, first prize, five-percenter, flower power, focus on, force, force majeure, forcefulness, forward, friend at court, full blast, full force, get, get to do, good influence, gray eminence, greatness, headship, heavyweight, hegemony, height, hidden hand, highest, hold, impact, imperium, importance, impress, impress upon, in, incline, induce, influence peddler, influencer, influentialness, ingroup, inner-direction, inspire, interest in, jaundice, jurisdiction, key, kingmaker, kingship, lead, lead to, leadership, leverage, lobby, lobbyist, lords of creation, lordship, lure, machination, main force, main strength, man of influence, mana, management, maneuvering, maneuvers, manipulate, manipulation, manipulator, mastership, mastery, maximum, might, might and main, mightiness, modify, moment, most, motivate, motivation, move, moving, moxie, muscle power, ne plus ultra, new high, open sesame, operate on, other-direction, palms, paramountcy, persuade, pizzazz, political influence, poop, potence, potency, potentiality, power, power pack, power structure, power struggle, powerfulness, powers that be, precedence, predispose, predominance, prejudice, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, prepossess, prepotency, presidency, pressure, pressure group, prestige, primacy, priority, procure, productiveness, productivity, prominence, prompt, prompting, puissance, pull, punch, push, rank, record, redound to, rule, say, seniority, sinew, sinister influence, soften up, sovereignty, special interests, special-interest group, stature, steam, stimulation, strength, strike, strong arm, subserve, superiority, superpower, supremacy, sway, tactical maneuvers, tactics, tempt, the Establishment, tinge, tone, top spot, touch, treat, turn the scale, twist, validity, vehemence, very important person, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, warp, wattage, wear down, weigh with, weight, weightiness, wheeler-dealer, wire-puller, wire-pulling, work, work on, zenith