Synonyms and related words :
accountability, acme, actionability, administration, agency, agentship, ambit, applicability, area, arena, ascendancy, assignment, auspices, authority, authorization, bailiwick, be-all and end-all, beat, blue ribbon, border, borderland, bossing, bounds, brevet, care, championship, charge, circle, circuit, claws, clutches, command, commission, commissioning, commitment, compass, confines, consignment, constitutional validity, constitutionalism, constitutionality, control, cure, custodianship, custody, delegated authority, delegation, demesne, department, deputation, devolution, devolvement, directorship, disposition, district, domain, domination, dominion, due process, effectiveness, embassy, empery, empire, empowerment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, executorship, exequatur, eye, factorship, field, first place, first prize, full power, governance, government, grasp, grip, gripe, guardianship, guidance, hand, hands, headship, hegemony, height, helm, hemisphere, highest, hold, imperium, influence, intendance, iron hand, judicial circuit, justice, justiciability, keeping, kingship, lawfulness, leadership, legal form, legal process, legalism, legality, legation, legitimacy, legitimateness, license, licitness, lieutenancy, limits, lordship, management, mandate, march, mastership, mastery, maximum, might, ministry, mission, most, ne plus ultra, new high, office, orb, orbit, oversight, pale, palms, paramountcy, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, patronage, plenipotentiary power, power, power of attorney, power to act, precinct, prerogative, presidency, primacy, procuration, protectorship, province, proxy, purview, raj, range, reach, realm, record, regency, regentship, regnancy, reign, reins of government, responsibility, rightfulness, round, rule, safe hands, say, scope, sovereignty, sphere, sphere of influence, stewardship, strings, superintendence, supervision, supremacy, surveillance, sway, talons, task, territory, top spot, trust, trusteeship, tutelage, validity, vicarious authority, walk, ward, wardenship, wardship, warrant, watch and ward, wing, zenith