Meaning of MAJORITY in English

Synonyms and related words :

accomplishment, adulthood, adultness, age of consent, ascendancy, best part, better part, body, bulk, deanship, driving age, essence, excellence, favor, flower of age, full age, full bloom, full growth, fullgrownness, generality, gist, gravamen, greatness, grown-upness, incomparability, inimitability, lead, legal age, legalis homo, main body, major part, manhood, manlihood, mass, mature age, maturity, meat, more than half, most, one-upmanship, plurality, precedence, predominance, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, preponderancy, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, prestige, prime, prime of life, priority, privilege, right-of-way, ripe age, riper years, seniority, skill, substance, success, superiority, the greatest number, thrust, toga virilis, transcendence, transcendency, virility, virtuosity, womanhood, womanlihood, years of discretion

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