Synonyms and related words :
C ration, K ration, air pollution, allotment, allowance, attritus, barley, bird seed, board, bran, breakfast, carry too far, cat food, chicken feed, chop, chow, collation, commons, consume, corn, cosmic dust, crumb, crumble, devour, dinner, dog food, dust, dust ball, eat, eatage, efflorescence, emergency rations, ensilage, entertainment, fallout, fare, farina, feast, feed, feed on, field rations, filings, flour, fodder, food, forage, go overboard, go to extremes, go too far, grain, grits, groats, grub, hay, ingest, kittens, lint, lunch, luncheon, mash, meals, meat, mess, nourishment, oats, overdo, overplay, partake of, pasturage, pasture, pet food, powder, provender, pussies, raspings, rations, refection, refreshment, regalement, repas, repast, sawdust, scratch, scratch feed, short commons, silage, slops, smut, snack, soot, spread, straw, supper, swill, table, take, tea, treat, tucker, victuals, wheat