Synonyms and related words :
abuse, acclaim, accolade, admiration, applaud, assault, attack, babble, barbarize, bark at, bash, batter, be angry, be enthusiastic, be excitable, be insane, be livid, be pissed, bellow, berate, betongue, blacken, blast, blow a gasket, blow up, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, boil, bounce, bouquet, brag, browned off, brutalize, bubble over, bully, burn, butcher, carry on, carry on over, catch fire, catch the infection, caterwaul, chafe, come apart, craze, declaim, destroy, do, dote, drivel, drool, effervesce, encomium, enthuse, excite easily, execrate, explode, fad, fashion, favor, fete, fire up, flame up, flare up, flash up, flip, fret, fulminate, fulminate against, fume, gasconade, get excited, go into hysterics, go on, go on over, gush, gush over, hammer, harangue, have a conniption, have a demon, have a tantrum, hector, hit the ceiling, hosanna, howl, intimidate, jaw, last word, laud, lay waste, load with reproaches, loot, make much of, mania, maul, mouth, mug, out-herod Herod, party, perorate, pillage, pissed off, plaudits, praise, rag, rage, rail at, raise Cain, raise hell, raise the devil, raise the roof, ramble, ramp, rampage, rant, rant and rave, rape, rate, rave about, rave against, revile, rhapsodize, rhapsody, riot, roar, roister, rollick, ruin, run a temperature, run amok, run mad, sack, savage, scream, seethe, shout, simmer, sizzle, slang, slaughter, slaver, slobber, smoke, smolder, soapbox, soiree, sow chaos, splutter, sputter, stew, storm, swagger, swashbuckle, take fire, take on, take on over, tear, tear around, terrorize, testimonial, thing, throw a fit, thunder, thunder against, tongue-lash, trend, tribute, turn a hair, vandalize, vapor, vilify, violate, vituperate, vogue, wander, wingding, wreck, yell, yell at, yelp at, yowl