Synonyms and related words :
abrasion, abysm, abyss, aggravated, arroyo, bareboat charter, blemish, box canyon, breach, break, breakage, broach, broken, burn, burned, burst, busted, canyon, cavity, chafe, chap, charter, chasm, check, checked, chimney, chink, chinky, chip, chipped, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clough, cloven, col, concussion, coulee, couloir, crack, cracked, crackle, cranny, craze, crazed, crevasse, crevice, cut, cut apart, cut open, cwm, damaged, defile, dehiscent, dell, deteriorated, dike, dispart, ditch, divaricate, divide, donga, draw, embittered, exacerbated, excavation, farm, farm out, fault, fee, fissure, fissured, fissury, flash burn, flaw, flume, fly open, fracture, fray, frazzle, furrow, gall, gap, gape, gaping, gappy, gash, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, harmed, hire, hire out, hiring, hole, hurt, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in pieces, in shards, in shreds, incise, incision, injured, injury, irritated, job, joint, kloof, lacerate, lacerated, laceration, lay open, leak, lease, lease out, lease-back, lease-lend, lend-lease, lesion, let, let off, let out, mangled, moat, mortal wound, mutilated, mutilation, notch, nullah, ope, open, open up, opening, part, pass, passage, puncture, quartered, quitrent, rack rent, ragged, ravine, rent charge, rent out, rent-roll, rental, rift, rime, rimose, rimulose, rip, rive, riven, run, rupture, ruptured, scald, scalded, scale, schism, scissure, scorch, scorched, scrape, scratch, scuff, seam, second-degree burn, separate, severed, shattered, shredded, slash, slashed, slice, slit, slot, smashed, sore, splinter, splintered, split, spread, spread out, spring open, sprung, stab, stab wound, sublease, sublet, subrent, swing open, tap, tattered, tear, tear open, the worse for, third-degree burn, throw open, torn, trauma, trench, underlet, valley, void, wadi, weakened, worse, worse off, worsened, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench